Monday, July 14, 2014

A Pretty in Pink Christmas

I was looking for Christmas tree inspiration and thought I'd share some of my favorite PINK theme Christmas trees and decorations. I personally don't have a pink Christmas tree, but I find them absolutely beautiful.

via Elizabeth Mann



And last, but not least, I wanted to include this dress for inspiration. Because we should all have a pretty pink formal to wear, as we decorate our house to be Pretty in Pink!


  1. Interesting, but I'm more of a traditional kind of girl

  2. I always wanted a pink tree and my mom thought I was weird for it, but just a year a go she went out and bought one for herself lol. I have a white christmas tree that shimmers iridescent colours, I love it. : )

    1. I kinda forgot I do actually have a pink tree in my daughters room at Christmas. I think for some, they are just perfect and fitting for personalities.
