Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Rockefeller Plaza and a Christmas Flash Mob sing the Hallelujah Chorus
Thanks to Gingers help, the tree at work is officially done! I was able to get it up on Sunday, but didn't have time to put the ornaments on. I came in this morning and she'd done a great job. I've had this red, white and green themed tree since I was a teenager. Alot has been added to it and some even taken away, but it still makes me smile every year. The Grinch shown below, I won in the Black Elephant Exchange last year. I kept grabbing that one, because I had to have him for the tree. The little boot I made in middle school. That's the summer I spent my days making Christmas ornaments. Yep...even did it back then!
The little wreaths and cone baskets were made by my mother. She didn't do much crafting when I was young, but she ended up being a great wreath maker and dabbled in ornaments too. Below is our little tribute photo to her here at work. She is the Queen of the Answering Service Empire, so I always put her overlooking my desk each year.
Last night at Target, they had the LED sets on sale, so I went ahead and bought some new lights to use on the tree next year. I'll still need to find some Green LED lights, but they didn't carry them. As I said with the purple ones, they are super hard to photograph, but they are a beautiful deep red. I think I like having the bigger bulbs too. Just makes for more pop in the color.
These stockings were dollar store finds last year. I couldn't' find the same ones this year, so our newest employee Rod, has to have a plain, ol' red stocking....Poor thing! These glitter stockings defiantly show our pizazz here at the service. Byron and I even, got to choose our favorite colors!
For your TV pleasure tonight, don't forget the lighting of the tree at Rockefeller Plaza. NBC will be airing it and as usual, they have some great guest, including Jackie Evancho.
Last, but not least. Have you seen this viral video yet of another Flash Mob. This one Christmas style! I would sit in awe, if this happen around me.
I love the tree and the glittery stockings!!